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Learn How I (Re)Discovered and Mastered the Hidden Power of One Sales Method Across 60+ Different Industries to Generate Millions in Sales to Thousands of Clients.

I Will Teach You This Simple Method for Free When You Book a "No Obligation" 45 Minute Call

Allowing You to Get Immediate Results at No Cost to You.

Dear Sales Professional,

I've got to be straight with you...

For the past 20 years, I've been sitting on a selling secret that's so powerful, it transformed me from a struggling salesperson into someone who could walk into ANY industry and immediately start closing big deals.

I'm talking about deals like:

• IT Services to Fortune 100 Enterprises

• A $1.2 million equipment sale to a site contractor

• SaaS sales to local SMB

• A high 5-figure marketing deal with a financial services firm

• $3.1 million in furniture sales in first 12 months

But, it wasn't always this way.

Look, here's the truth that changed everything for me, and it'll change everything for you too:

People buy with emotion and justify with logic.

Let that sink in for a minute...

Every single purchase decision - from a pack of gum to a million-dollar contract - is made emotionally FIRST, then justified logically afterward.

Yet what are most salespeople doing? They're:

• Leading with logic instead of emotion

• Presenting facts before building trust

• Pushing features before creating connection

• Focusing on ROI instead of client awareness

• Trying to close before there's been an emotional commitment

It's like trying to win a football game by only playing defense.

Think about your own buying decisions:

• Ever "clicked" with a salesperson instantly?

• Chosen something because it "felt right"?

• Walked away from a deal that looked perfect on paper?

• Paid more for something you emotionally connected with?

• Made a quick decision because you "just knew"?

That's your emotional brain at work. And guess what? Your prospects are no different.

Here's proof from a client I sold a new truck to:

"Second-to-None Buying Experience! TREMENDOUS!!! I have purchased 20+ new cars over my years, and I have never had an experience like I did... From the moment I arrived at the dealership, I felt like family. The BEST salesman I have ever worked with came in the person of Sonny Tydlacka."

Robert Harris, San Antonio, TX

See how he felt?

Have you ever noticed how some sales reps seem to have a knack for closing deals. Sales seem to seek them out. Their clients are happy, they send referrals, and come back again and again to buy even more.

These reps are consistently at the top of the leaderboard. I'm not talking about the ones that puff their chest out and need their ego stroked. No, I mean the ones that just continue to do their job, closing deals, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year.

They have something most don't.

Want to know what it is?

Before I tell you, I need to warn you...you WILL write it off as too simple.

You will suggest that there has to be more. Or, there is something they are born with. Or, it's because they are extroverts. It's because they are popular. Its because they are great at talking...yada, yada, yada.

Let me tell you something, some of the best salesmen I've ever seen have been introverts. Most had to learn how to sell from the bottom, it didn't come naturally to them. Most are better at listening than they are at talking.

But, here's the real key to their success: They all use "The Golden Rule". Yup, told you. Too simple, right?

But before you scoff...

You need to know that there are two Golden Rules. Wait, you didn't know?

You see, the first Golden Rule, which many of you are familiar with, was used by a man named James Cash. It comes from the Bible. Essentially, it's this: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".

James used this philosophy to create one of the largest department store empires in the United States. His full name was James Cash Penney, yeah, J.C. Penney! One of the best merchandisers and salesmen in history. -The first Golden Rule.

The second Golden Rule is a little bit different. I first learned it when I was a salesman at Gallery Furniture. Working for the greatest merchandise promoter and salesman in our modern era, Mattress Mack.

He asked me one day if I knew the Golden Rule. I replied that I did indeed. Then he began to educate me. He told me the Golden Rule is this, "The man with the gold makes the rules!"

Ha! Think about it. So true.

And guess what? These two Golden Rules together make up the One Sales Method I was telling you about. It's the single method that every successful salesperson in history has used to his or her advantage.

The One Sales Method is simple, yet powerful. Here it is:

You have to CARE!

"Well, no kidding Sonny! I know I have to care..."

Knowing you have to care and knowing how to care are two different things.

And I'm gonna teach you exactly how when you book a 45 min phone call.

Here's What We'll Cover On The Call:

Step 1 :


In this first step, we will first learn a little bit about one another. Then, I will introduce the One Sales Method philosophy and why it works so well.

Step 2:


In step 2, I will cover the core framework for CARE and explain the impact of each:

• Confidence

• Awareness

• Rapport

• Expertise

STEP 3 : 


In step 3, at the conclusion of our call I will make sure you get all of your questions answered. I will also give you the opportunity to join our upcoming challenge if you want (and if spots are still available). Absolutely no obligation though.

I am on Every Call Personally, Therefore Availability Can be Limited

Choose A Time That Works For You Below

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